

Organization 目录

非洲n Student Union

非洲学生会的主要目标是团结威尼斯人平台校园里的所有非洲裔学生. This unity helps promote and maintain 非洲n culture on campus. The organization is open to students of all descent. 亚利桑那州立大学的目标是强调、教育和欣赏非洲大陆的文化. ASU will be sharing their 文化 experience through their education, 活动, and community involvement. 非洲, as a continent represents different countries and each country, is very different in terms of culture. 亚利桑那州立大学认识到这些差异,并致力于弥合来自非洲各国学生之间的差距,以扩大我们的视野.

Asian American Alliance

亚裔美国人联盟(Triple“A”)为亚裔和亚裔美国人后裔的学生提供支持和倡导. 该组织还在校园和更广泛的社区推广和教育亚洲文化, groups and pertinent issues. 而亚裔和亚裔美国人后裔的学生则被强烈鼓励加入, 所有有兴趣了解亚洲文化及其对美国和世界历史的贡献的威尼斯人平台学生都可以成为会员.

Black Student Union

BSU’s goals are to aid in the 教育, 社会, 经济, 政治, 黑人的文化斗争与学生进入白人占主导地位的高等教育机构的关系以及代表黑人学生的观点和关注以发起变革. 学校组织的年度活动包括:宽扎节活动和黑人历史月活动. Membership is open to any member of the 资本 community.

资本 Autism Society

资本 Autism Society is dedicated to providing a safe, 接受, and affirming environment for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder, self-diagnosed or questioning ASD, 或任何有兴趣了解更多关于自闭症和/或参与自闭症社区倡导的首都学生. 我们希望在校园里增加学生对自闭症谱系障碍的认识和接受程度,并相互学习ASD的各种表现形式, while advocating for autistic issues on and off campus.

威尼斯人平台's Dance Team

威尼斯人平台的舞蹈队是一个伟大的团队,让女性和男性都参与舞蹈! 在团队中,我们每周都练习,为即将到来的演出做准备! We perform during half time in football and basketball games! We have a blast during practice, and also during our team bonding events! We come together and get to know one another! 我们确保每个人在团队成员和舞蹈中都感到安全和舒适! This team is for everyone, so whether or not you have "rhythm", still join because we are here to have a blast! 喜欢跳舞? Join CU's Dance Team!

Catholic Student Organization

CSO is an inclusive faith-based organization. While we are grounded in Catholic theology, we are open to all students. 我们努力创造一个安全的社区,让学生可以公开谈论他们的信仰, learn from one another, and strengthen their relationship with God. 加入我们每周的圣经学习,并继续关注我们的秋季/春季静修, service opportunities and 社会 events! 


我们的目的是参与辩论,以更好地理解我们的演讲, argumentation and the world. 辩论联盟将全年进行辩论,为首都校园提供信息和娱乐. 我们还将邀请相关的演讲者就当前和有争议的问题向工会成员和整个校园发表演讲. This portion of the 辩论联盟 will focus on college debaters finding, 引人入胜的, 教育, 并将他们的同龄人培养成比Ludlum-Forum竞赛辩论对手更个人化的辩手.

Ebony Brotherhood Association

乌木兄弟会的宗旨是通过社会活动提升非裔美国男性在校园里的形象, 学术, 文化, and community oriented programming.

Global Student Association

国际学生协会的主要目的是为国际学生提供支持, 援助, 社会ization and 教育 opportunities. The association is to also provide opportunities for U.S. 学生和国际学生互动,了解不同的文化和国家.


影响 aims to build movements of people who are transformed by Jesus Christ. The student-led movement seeks to introduce students to Jesus Christ, help them to grow in their faith, encourage them to live life passionately under the lordship of Christ, and inspire commitment to advancing the purposes of God in the world.

Interfaith Student Organization

The Interfaith Student Organization (ISO) seeks to uplift students’ non-faith, religious and spiritual traditions, especially those who are otherwise without representation on campus, by integrating spirituality with 学术 life while promoting relationships, 和平, and understanding of all faith and spirituality traditions.

α Iota

α Iota是一个致力于鼓励的国际专业音乐兄弟会, 培养, and supporting the art of music. The goal of SAI is to stand for the highest musical scholarship, for nobility and uprightness of character, 以及在音乐职业中维持女性和性别不一致的音乐家之间友好无私的关系. 任何认为自己是女性或性别不一致的人,只要有一门音乐学分(不是音乐专业的要求),我们都欢迎.

Somali Muslim Student Organization



怀疑者俱乐部的使命是与思想不同的人建立友谊,共同追求真理. 要成为怀疑者俱乐部,这两个方面都必须具备:与持不同观点的人建立友谊,并追求真理. 

Modeling friendship: 两位共同主持人通过第一个谈论之前投票的话题来展示他们的友谊.

Pursuing truth together: 虽然令人钦佩,但仅仅有一群想法不同的朋友是不够的. 真正的友谊帮助彼此发现真理,并共同追求真理. 你可以说我们疯了,但我们认为,即使你的想法与他人不同,你也可以做到这一点


As members of 威尼斯人平台's LGBTQIA (Lesbian, 同性恋, 双性恋, 反式*, 酷儿, 双性, 无性, and Allies) organization, 骄傲, our mission is to provide a safe environment of support, an attitude of acceptance, 并促进对所有学生的倡导,无论其性取向或性别认同/表达如何.


姐妹网络是一个以致力于所有女性的成功而自豪的组织. 我们提供了一个地方,让女性可以谈论她们的个人和学术生活,也可以建立姐妹关系. 我们重视团结、学术成就、卓越、专业发展和社区服务.

Students of Latinx Affinity (SOLA)

The goal of SOLA is to promote 文化, 教育, and 社会 awareness of the Hispanic culture in the university and community.

Women's Empowerment Alliance

妇女赋权联盟的目标是为边缘群体发声, 打破性别角色,打破女性和男性的刻板印象, open discussion regarding relationship violence, and take action towards equality. Fulfillment of these purposes will occur through weekly discussion, the hosting of events and programs both on and off campus, 和筹款.